Thursday, May 28, 2009


Silliness!, originally uploaded by annamaren.

Oh, I just can't resist the silly photo.

When all is said and done, and Justyn, you are miles and miles away, I am so glad that I took a few silly photos of the farewells at the airport.

Levity brings a kind of common feeling to these moments.... anchors the bigger moments in their place within the day to day of life I guess... at leas this is how I feel. How I felt when I took the photo, and how I feel when I look at this now, and see these precious goofy faces captured in a moment last weekend, when we were getting ready for a big goodbye!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Something small and sweet!

Bathtub IV from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

There is nothing necessarily spiritual about this video. I just wanted to share it, because I liked it!

Check out at minute 2:40 when the saved guy is reunited with his kids. It's so sweet!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sharing The Soaring Impulse

I found a really cool blog today.

The one quote that sticks-

We are not called to change this crazy world. We are just called to love it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

One of my spiritual teachers....

mother and daughter, originally uploaded by justynrebecca.

I adore this photo that Justyn magically captured yesterday.

Although K and I are having a plain ordinary conversation about whether she can ask G to come and work the bees later in the afternoon... doesn't it look more profound whisperings than that? It looks like she is whispering the secrets of the universe to me!

K has been a spiritual teacher to me, like I was never expecting. She has connected me to the Divine in ways that propel me forward into my life. She affirms my connection on a daily basis, by forcing me to use it! My second born has done this too of course, it's just that K was first.

: )

Thank You for this photo Justyn!