Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Moonlit Labyrinth walk this evening, after the Julia Butterfly Hill talk.

What you hold, may you always hold. St Clare of Assisi

What you hold, may you always hold.
What you do, may you do and never abandon.
But with swift pace, light step,
unswerving feet,
so that even your steps stir no dust,
go forward
securely, joyfully, and swiftly,
on the path of prudent happiness,
believing nothing
agreeing with nothing
which would dissuade you from this resolution
or which would place a stumbling block for you on the way,
so that you may offer your vows to the Most High
in the pursuit of that perfection
to which the Spirit of the Lord has called you.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Psalm for the day....

The Lady's Prayer

The Earth is my Mother
I shall not want
Her hand brings forth the green pastures
She tarries within the still waters
She leads me in fields of fruitfulness
for my Glory
Yea, as I walk through the summer of life
unto death
I will not be afraid
for You are with me
Your womb in the earth
will enfold me
You prepare a harvest before me
and bless my home with children
You fill me with milk and honey
My cup overflows
Surely, goodness and beauty will nurture me
all the days of my life
and I will become part of the earth

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Mother's Daily Prayer

This is the prayer that sits in my kitchen, in a place where I can see it daily. It's from "She Who Dwells Within: A Feminist Vision of a Renewed Judaism" by Lynn Gottlieb. It is a prayer to the Shekhinah- Shekhinah being the Hebrew feminine-form for God.

A Mother's Daily Prayer

Wild Mother of earth and sky,
You who nestle seed in clay
And lift up winged creatures on Your wind,
Enliven me with your morning grace
As I awake to mothering.

If I have time to say these words
And You have time to listen,
Keep my children safe from harm,
Bless them with healthy bodies and minds.
Let them flourish.

Winsome Mother of sea and stream,
You who move it all along,
Grant me humor, patience, and compassion
To flow with the day that beckons me now
To fix breakfast, check homework, and answer the phone.

Cosmic Mother of stars and destiny,
Who juggles time and child,
If I have not yet been interrupted
I pray also for these things:

[Add your personal prayers]

Wise Mother who gives and takes away,
Who sets the boundaries of work and play,
May we all love and forgive each other
Yet another day.
And grant me the stillness of quiet hours
To renew and refresh my mothering.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Love the whole world as a mother loves her only child.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What I wanted to do here….. my mission statement.

On a personal level......
I have been kind of deep in thought about how for me motherhood has been both practice and path. It's the greatest spiritual task you may ever have in your life- to hold the privilege and responsibility for ushering forward life itself, the universe giving you itself in a form that is not yourself. Why do we as women ignore the depth of the spiritual side of motherhood? I mean, what a realization it is to think about the fact that bringing forth life is a Divine act!

Why are there a million books about nursing and sleeping, and 9 months of protein recipes, but if you want to read and prepare your heart for motherhood, most of what is available is pretty Western Christian. (Not that this is bad, but it’s not the wide open conversation that I desire.)
Why do we shy away from speaking of motherhood as a profound and transformational experience? There seems to be a deep lack of support and wisdom in how we grow and cherish our own spirit as mothers, and how motherhood and deep spiritual experience are not separate things, for me they have been one and the same. How can I support other women in this way of things? Well, starting a blog with my dear friend seems like a small step on the path.
Naïve and inspired, I sit here at my computer, imagining my friend and I digging a well of nurture, a space that may eventually expand to other women with a similar longing. I am creating for myself what I deeply long for, the recognition that motherhood is a spiritually incredulous and incredible thing, and I am called to name myself pilgrim on that path.